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Open Roundtable with Jessika Khazrik

The current stage of late capitalism, that tries to occupy our world and political imaginaries, often capitalises on doom determinisms, the “what if” scenarios of punitive systems and the anti-agential culture of debt economies. It ironically does so while continuing to promise a bright future governed by data accumulation, wells of information and an “artificial intelligence”. Yet, what about all the ignorance that capitalism needs to produce, conceal and project so it can continue expanding through extraction? 

What can we unlearn and colearn from agnotology (the study of the production of ignorance and uncertainty) as we collectively gather in the dark, in search for transformational routes for liberation? How does the militarisation and corporatisation of university spaces influence the disciplinary organisation of knowledge and space, the production of ignorance and the philosophy of intelligence? What modes of attestation and temporalities of resistance do these regimes of in/visibility create, or dislocate when death can be increasingly slow, eruptive or automated depending on where and who you are in this universally dark planet? 

Artist, educatress and technologist Jessika Jamal Khazrik invites you to an open roundtable where we will begin delving together into questions as the above. This serendipitous roundtable is open to practitioners from all fields and greatly encourages group participation, regardless of whether you were a witness, a dancer, an archivist, a visitor, a librarian, a musician or an achitect. It could be most generative for folks who work at the intersection of several interconnected urgencies like environmental justice, transformative justice, disarmament, energy infrastructure, philosophy of science and digital rights. All are welcomed! 

4 June

Italian Classes

16 September

tarot exploration